After I finished building a small gimbal for Padatik, I thought of building a better one for myself.

So last time I built a small single handheld gimbal, but as you might guess, a two handed gimbal is way more stable. So I thought of building a bigger and better gimbal for myself.

I wanted this one to be able to carry much bigger camera than my Canon EOS 600D, so the motors had to get bigger, a lot. After some weight calculations torque requiremnt assessment, I went with the HobbyPro 6008H for pitch and roll, and for yaw HobbyPro 7008H.

As for the controller, I went with the tried and tested BaseCam SimpleBGC 32Bit board. The frame this time had to be a lot tougher and light as well, so aluminium was the obvious cost effective choice. I got 2 meters of aluminium shafts, after some serious battling armed with a hacksaw and a hand-drill, got the frame built. I must say I am really happy the way the frame turned out, it’s pretty solid.

Here is the Gimbal with my Canon EOS 600D mounted on it;


Sadly I have not been able to upload a test video yet, I will do it ASAP.

And I will write another post about the gimbal controllers I have worked on, the Joystick controller and Motion sensor controller over bluetooth.

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