Upgraded to flying Quad from a barely hovering one.

Following up with the last post on AutoQuad project, this is an update of how things went with my first quadcopter build.
As you know I used MultiWii board and firmware, it was a pain to get it all setup and flying. After some PID tuning and exploration of the different flight modes that come with MultiWii, I managed to get a decent flight.
Here is a flight video in Level mode, which uses gyro and accelerometer reading to automatically stabilize the attitude of the quad in air.
Take a look


I also tried using the on board barometer, but the reading are not very reliable. You can use the baro if you have a very high error tolerant application, otherwise it’s a bummer.
Next I interfaced a bluetooth module(bluesmirf silver) with the MultiWii to connect with my android device.
To make all this easy there is a fantastic free app called MultiWii EZ-GUI, it allows the user to access all the IMU data during flight and also to change your PID settings and other flight mode settings, it’s a real lifesaver when it comes to tuning your quad, no need to carry your laptop to the field anymore.
Another nifty feature is flight data logging, it came in really handy as I am also working on quadcopter tracking as my final year project, I needed the IMU reading to simulate the quadcopter’s trajectory.
To use the logged data, you need to install EZ-GUI Logs Converter which will export the data in various formats.

I am switching to APM for better stability and will design a bigger quad which will be able to carry more payload(hopefully an action camera).
I’ll keep the blog updated! Cheers!

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